Niche and Watch your Business Grow clarity statement define your niche find your niche messaging niche parent coaches

I talk about NICHING a lot!

And do you know why? Because I have experienced business success because of my niche.

I am a Business Coach for Parent Coaches. I chose this niche because working...

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How can a Parent Coach attract clients?

Attracting clients is an essential part of building a successful parent coaching business. Here are some strategies that parent coaches can use to attract clients:

  1. Niche down: Identifying a...
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Do I need to be certified to be a Parent Coach? build your business get certified grow your business parent coach certification

There is no specific certification required to become a parent coach, however, obtaining a certification in a related field, such as counseling, psychology, or education, can help to establish...

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Parent Coaches - never feel like you are selling again! Turn sales into service! making an offer offer sales selling service

Whenever I get on a discovery call, I never focus on selling, and you don't need to either. Turn your love of your product into serving your audience and you will never have to feel like you are...

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Why you need a Business Coach accounatability business coach find support hire a coach parent coaching parenting

Starting a business is not easy. Starting a business on your own is down right difficult!

5% of new businesses are still running after their first year.

That means 95% of the people that start a...

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7 Steps to Success! attract clients clients coaching gratitude meditate niche parent coach persevere strong offer thankful

Do you ever get so frustrated that clients are not consistently booking with you, that you want to give up?

I completely understand. It is easy to lose hope when there is a lull in client bookings....

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How to Build Your Email List coaching create a list email freebie landing page lead magnet list building offer opt-in parent coach

Watch this short video to discover why it is so important to start building your list today! I will walk you through the process of creating an offer to help you build your ideal audience!

Not sure...

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How to Stay On Track When You Want to Give Up business clarity don't give up make a plan on track parent coach success you got this
Sometimes in business, we have immense clarity - we know exactly what we are doing and we forge ahead...and other times, we sit at our desks staring blankly and wondering where to begin and...
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What questions to ask during an Exploratory Call

Your exploratory, introductory, or discovery call (all the same thing:) is one of the most powerful tools you can implement in your Parent Coaching business. This is the moment that could turn...

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Why have a Parent Coaching Contract? build your business coaching contract contract parent coaching contract parenting contract

Having a contract between you, the Coach, and the parent(s) is one of the most important legal documents you will use.

A contract helps your clients know exactly what you are providing and it helps...

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Ways to make money as a Parent Coach build your business email how to make money income niche parent coach recurring revenue revenue

If you think the only way to make money as a Parent Coach is 1:1 coaching, think again!

In this article, I want to share with you a few additional ways you can create the income you desire while...

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Build your Email List Using your Facebook Page

Oh boy, do I have a tip for you today!

Your Facebook Page is feeling neglected, but I can help you show it some love!

Take under 7 minutes with me to transform your Facebook Page into an Email List...

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