Why you need a Business Coach

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find support to hold you accountable

Starting a business is not easy. Starting a business on your own is down right difficult!

5% of new businesses are still running after their first year.

That means 95% of the people that start a business right now, will not be in business in 1 year. Those are some grim odds. But wait...there is a way to have a higher chance of being a part of the 5%. Would you like to know how?

When I started my business almost 22 years ago, I decided to set my ego aside and take a hard look at what I was really good at. I made two lists, one that included the things I was good at and a second list, which happened to be much longer, included everything I was not good at.

A business plan, marketing, finance, and technology were amongst the items that I had trouble with. I had no Idea where to start! I started my business by printing parenting books, so I added publishing to that long list of items that I knew nothing about.

I could have let this stop me. But instead, I looked for help. I started by finding a mentor to support me through the start-up. Then, I looked for experts in the field of marketing, finance, technology, and printing.

I built a team. A team of mentors, business coaches, accountability partners, and staff.

And looking back, I can see how it would have been so easy to give up if I didn't have this team. A team that continually pushed me forward and held me accountable for achieving the goals I had set out.

About 15 years ago I decided to start mentoring others, and I realized that I wasn't the only one that needed knowledge, skills, advice and a system to hold me accountable. In fact, I found that every business owner needed someone to keep them on track and implement strategies to keep growing. We don't just need the knowledge, we need to be held accountable.

I love this quote from Derek Sivers,

“If more information was the answer, then we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs.”

Basically, he was saying, we can have the knowledge, but what we really need to do is to take action! 

I could have (and I did) read every business book on the market, I signed up for hundreds of webinars and courses, so that I could run a better business. I had the information but it was the team that held me accountable that I can attribute to my business success. My team helped me to take consistent action.

I began offering Business Coaching to give Parent Coaches a great start to their business...a way for them to kick-start their business. I realized the value of Parent Coaches when all four of my kids were going through their teen years, and I was struggling. I knew that I had to do everything I could with the skills I have to support these they can support more parents like me. 

So, if you are reading this right now and you are a Parent Coach that is struggling to grow your business, this is for you...there is a better way.

You could do it on your own, but why would you want to?

I still hire coaches - a business coach, a mindset coach, and most recently a health coach to keep me on track physically and I surround myself with a community of others that can support me and hold me accountable.

We were not meant to do this alone. You can hire anyone to support you right now, you do not have to work with me or join the Parent Coach Club (although it is awesome), but if you do work with someone else to help you build your business, here are three things to ask:

  1. Have you been able to do what I want to do - or have you helped others do what I want to do?
  2. Do you understand the intricacies of Parent Coaching or will I have to educate you on this industry?
  3. How available are you when we work together? How will you hold me accountable?

Don't sit spinning your wheels. There is support for you. Go out and find the best person that can help you get there quicker. And, if you don't know anyone that can help come join us inside the Parent Coach Club.

Growing a Parent Coaching business that you love, and makes you an income, is possible!





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