
You won't meet better people! Grateful for all their kind words!

"I have achieved a milestone of helping 100 parents only in the last 2 years..."

Sohni Fahad, Parent Coach and Founder of Parenting Ups and Downs



"She will not tell you what your goals should be...she will show you what your potential is and you what is getting in your way."


Kate Garzón, M.Ed., Founder and CEO Guided Parenting Support--GPS



"She taught me everything on what I needed to get this started!"

Kim Gross, Life Coach, Rapid Transformational Practitioner, Motivational Speaker



"I've Doubled my Income in Less than a Year"

Inner Circle has well exceeded my expectations

“My participation in the Inner Circle this past year has had a tremendous impact on my parent coach business. I’ve been working in the field for over a decade, but very part time by intention. But in the most recent years, I decided it was time to grow and expand my business, but I just didn’t know how to achieve that. I tried a little of everything but often felt overwhelmed and made little progress. Then, a year ago, I decided to take a leap and invest in myself and my business by joining the Inner Circle and by far, that has been the best move I’ve made so far in my business. With the help and support of the other members of the inner circle and with the leader ship and encouragement that Jennifer provides, I’ve been able to launch a membership community, get hired and paid well for speaking engagements, and have doubled my income in less than a year. If you’ve ever wondered if the inner circle was worth it, I’m here to tell you it has well exceeded my expectations.“


" thing that has happened to me in the past year...getting paid clients...I feel so confident..."

Sohni Fahad, Parent Coach and Founder of Parenting Ups and Downs. Sohni's mission is to bring a shift in Parenting Paradigm by becoming more Emotional Intelligent parents.


"My Discovery Call with Jennifer to discuss the Parent Coach Club was more than I could have imagined! I have been in the process of starting my Parent Coaching business for a year. Doing it all on my own was challenging. I enrolled in an entrepreneur class for starting business, hired a social media consultant, but still did not feel ready to open my business to the public. Before being referred to Jennifer McCallum’s Parent Coach Club, I had no idea that a Business Coach for Parent Coaches even existed. My meeting with Jennifer was so enlightening! Not only did Jennifer share her knowledge and introduce me to the program; She did it with such ease and warmth. I immediately felt welcome and was amazed by all Jennifer was explaining was included in the membership. I knew I wanted to join and was thinking it was going to be yet another huge investment to add to my business expenses. I was shocked to learn that it was so inexpensive for a year’s membership! With everything included: a community of parent coaches who do not compete with one another, but rather support one another, the ability to list your business and also link your website to the monthly publication, Mastermind Group calls, Expert training, and a complete supply of the templates needed to organize your business! There’s more…it’s incredible! This package is easily worth thousands of dollars! I have been enrolled in other programs that charged $1000+ monthly and did not provide the same level of support and materials. During my first month I have learned so much and have had access to the exact templates and information that I need as a Parent Coach. I can’t wait to see how much growth my business experiences this year!"

Mary Kirchgestner

Parent Coach for parents of children with Autism

"...changed the path of my business"


Michele Shilvock, M.Ed, BCBA. Michele. Michele helps BRIDGE an understanding of complex behaviours in children between home & school.



"It has been life-changing!"

Theresa HarriSon, Looking Glass Parent Coaching



AN UPDATE FROM THERESA - Just wanted to give you a quick update. My week is filled will appointments and I'm so excited! The momentum is picking up. I start my first in person small group on the 23rd 🤯🥳🥳🥳 I'm practicing my program my way and life is getting more fun every day. My relationships are evolving, my kids are continuing to grow up in a way that I'm truly enjoying their unfolding, with little effort and lots of connection. Just wanted to thank you again. I think we reached the goals we set, maybe even exceeded them a bit 😉 or a lot. I do want to say and I don't know of this will help you with future clients or not but I feel called to tell you this. I was very fortunate that my business refused to take off until I did the self work I needed and started all the practices I knew would yield results. They are and it's such a wild and exciting ride! Happy Sunday my friend ❤️💕

"I received so much value!"


Deborah Porter, The Ultimate Mom Coach for Home/Life Balance and creator or the Home Management Mastery Course!



"I've had my most successful month, thanks to Jennifer!"

Dr. Juliet Marciano, Mindset Coach for Parents



"You owe it to yourself to join the Parent Coach Club!"


Kate Garzón, M.Ed., Founder and CEO Guided Parenting Support--GPS



"Best investment ever..."

Claire Cetti, PCI Certified Parent Coach®

Talks about being a part of the Parent Coach Club and 1:1 Business Coaching



"I am so glad I chose to work with her..!"

"Within the first few weeks, I had done a complete 180...working with Jen gave me so much momentum...I have goals now and I know how to reach them...I am so glad I chose to work with her..." Bridget Hallisey, Parent Coach specializing in Grief and Loss


"Jennifer is my business coach, mentor...she has done incredible wonders for my mindset as a business owner. Working with Jennifer has helped me shift and pivot...with a clear path..." Sonja Montiel, College Confidence



"I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to work with Jennifer.  Her nonjudgmental and encouraging voice was exactly what I needed to help build and organize my business.  She helped me first see the things that I was doing well and then gave me great suggestions for improving in areas where I was struggling.  I appreciated how she helped me set goals on things that I felt were important and then worked with me on how to achieve them. She motivated me and held me accountable in a truly supportive way.  My coaching business has definitely benefited in numerous ways thanks to Jennifer's guidance. I would highly recommend her services to other coaches! Jennifer is amazing!"

Lauri Cohen

Parent Coach

"From the moment I began my journey with Jen, I was struck by her warm and professional demeanour. Jen has a remarkable ability to create a safe and supportive environment, which means that you can challenge yourself as a parent coach to do scary things.

Her extensive knowledge and expertise in coaching shone through in every session. Jen's insights have helped me to build my parent coaching business and has also transformed the way I approach my online presence. She has a gift for breaking down complex ideas into actionable steps, which has led to a significant breakthroughs in my mindset.

Thanks to Jen, I now feel more confident and empowered in both my parent coaching and my digital interactions. I can’t recommend her enough to anyone looking to make a meaningful change in their business. She is a true gem in the world of parent coaching!"


Parent Coach

"It was my joy to meet you and your class was beyond Amazing! I am so floored by your generosity. Thank you! Really, I am so grateful to you. Your authenticity in wanting to support us and wanting us to thrive is so present for me. To have a clarity statement was so tremendous for me. I had been really wanting to work on that for some time now. It was also wonderful to connect with others and Marion. "

Tanu Bedi-Seraphim (Joined the Vision Workshop)

Stillwater Reflections LLC

"I don’t even know where to begin to recommend Jennifer! If you are thinking of becoming a Parent Coach or are looking to increase your business she is definitely the person you NEED! Before contacting Jennifer parent coaching was just a pipe dream of mine. She took me through her steps at my own pace and helped me come up with a plan and put it into action. Jennifer is so supportive and positive throughout the entire process even when I was struggling from many limiting beliefs! The Parent Coach Club she provides is priceless support you will not find anywhere else and I am so glad I was able to get in when I did.

Thank you Jennifer for helping me realize this dream of mine and for all the continuing support!"

Ashley Ladouceur

G.R.E.A.T. Parenting, Parent Coach

"Jennifer’s coaching has helped me have more clarity and direction in my coaching business. Her approach has a clear path, all while allowing me to trust my own inner knowing. I can't think of a time we didn't laugh while working together - hard work can be fun too and Jennifer creates the space for that in our sessions. She always knew just when I needed an extra push to take another step outside my comfort zone. Since working with Jennifer, my vision has become clearer and I have been able to create a coaching business that is authentic for myself and my clients. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement!"

Tia Fagan

Certified Parent Coach, Conscious Parenting Coaching Method, SHIFT from Surviving to Thriving

"As a certified parent coach, I came to Jennifer already having several 1x1 clients who were receiving wonderful benefits working with me and that was wonderful. Where I was feeling stuck and desperately needed help with was in creativity. Creativity in both building my business and in the ability to take all the content and knowledge I had in my brain and articulate it in such a way any of my current, and potential, clients could understand, follow and benefit from. Jennifer has this incredible ability to listen to and flush out information in such a way that my ability to gain clarity on who I was serving and how I was doing that was a total game changer for me and my business. Her personal workbooks she gave me to work on throughout the process, along with her wisdom and insightfulness, literally led me from just having 1x1 clients to; identifying and solidifying what my actual pathway is in my own coaching, offering and working through my first 8 week group coaching course for mamas and the launching of my Mama's membership tribe.

There is NO way I could have done any of this at all, nevermind in such a short period of time (months!) without Jennifer's coaching. I am so grateful to her and all she does for helping parent coaches help more parents and families!"

Claire Cetti, PCI Certified Parent Coach®

Moving Families from Conflict to Calm

"About the Parent Coach Quick Start Course...Some of my Aha! moments are happening when I least expect them. I start on an assignment, I get hyper-focused, I get distracted (hello ADHD brain), I get discouraged hearing about someone else doing something similar to what I want to do, and then I get refocused by the steps in your course and realize, "holy moly! These steps are golden! I have so much to offer!". I still have a ways to go to build my confidence and find my niche, but I feel the power and excitement growing as I take each step one day at a time. Thank you for guiding me in such an easy to follow course!"

Kara R.

Parent Coach

"I have been working with families since 2014. As I transitioned from employee to business owner, I read #allthethings and took #alltheclasses. I got something wonderful from each, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it was hard to creatively adjust what I was learning to work in the Parent Coaching field. In the month since joining the Parent Coach Club, I have felt more energized, organized and ready to hit the ground running in support of families than all the years previous. I wasn't sure if it was wise to join a group made up of my "competitors"...but I have learned that there are SO MANY ways families need support that there is more than enough room for all of us. And being in a group with people who just get it has been invaluable. I can't wait to see what the future holds for my business."

Lynn Turcotte-Schuh

Founder of the At-Home Mamas Club

"I wanted to reach out to you and thank you...Our first session provided so much clarity and was truly transformational! Without your niche exercise, I would not have found my direction...and have come out with such a solid foundation. Thank you! It feels surreal to be finishing 2020 with a business plan that I am confident in and excited to pursue. I greatly appreciate the time, wisdom & knowledge you shared with me."

Mariah Greiner

Life Coach

"Hi Jennifer! I am just working on the ‘homework.’ I am just really impressed with the beginning of this course so far. The Balance Wheel I have really connected with. Normally, all the seven categories are bouncing around in my head constantly and I make daily mental notes of what I want to be different (or beating myself up where I feel like I am failing)(usually the bulk of the thoughts come when I am trying to sleep!) – but having the wheel in front of me, and visually seeing where I stand, albeit it somewhat depressing and feels like I am at the bottom of a mountain, it is slightly therapeutic to make the lists, acknowledge the now, and inspire myself by planning ideas for the future. Anyway, it made me think of going for your annual physical (minus the dreadful parts!!) – checking everything from top to bottom, then assessing and making a plan to improve yourself. It’s a great place to start 🙂"

Hilary Eves

Confident Parent Member

"I felt so uplifted and positive moving forward with things. I thank you for your time to chat things out and really start to put things together in a way that I have been envisioning for months!"

Linda Bolinger

Intuitive Healer and Mindset Mentor

"Jennifer did a presentation for my community on Finding your X factor and it was awesome! She is clear and enthusiastic about what she teachers, and she really gets to the heart of the matter. I truly enjoyed working with her!"

Erin Taylor

Parent, Business & Life Coach, Speaker

"Thank you for coming to speak at Gowan Consulting. Your talk was engaging, interactive, and motivating. You did a great job facilitating discussion within our team and helped us to identify out X-Factor! Your style and ability to pull information from our team was exceptional. You were able to help our team achieve clarity of our mission within one short hour! We would certainly recommend you to anyone that is looking for a meaningful, upbeat, and enthusiastic speaker to engage their audience and help them identify a way to make waves in their industry. We look forward to having you back to support future strategic planning sessions! Here is some feedback from our team: What did you enjoy about the presentation? Loved Jennifer! Clarity activity – group work All of it Great presentation, very useful and relative Positive, engaging, hilarious, very interactive Guest speaker/outside resource Very motivating and fun! Loved this. Interactive, initiated discussion Upbeat, engaging Enthusiasm of presenter"

Nancy Gowan

CEO, Gowan Consulting

"I'm excited to be a part of this WORLDWIDE network of parenting experts helping parents of teenagers create happier, healthier relationships. Thank you Jennifer McCallum for spearheading this important service for families today."

Kim Muench

The Real Life Parent Guide, Parent Coach

"I got my client based today because of the first workshop! She bought my 6 week coaching package. Thank you Jennifer!!"

Laura Reagan

The Teen and Parent Relationship Whisperer, Parent Coach

"Love the course! The 1st week and sitting down and seeing were you are and what you want in the next 5 years is such a good tool, we all think about these things but never actually write them down and truly think them through. The Second Week on Doubt – wow that is something I need to work on but the tools in this course are so helpful. Can’t wait to put them all together and become a better person and parent! Thanks for being our coach and support Jennifer!"

Susan S.

Confident Parent Member

"As one of the special current members, I have to say how amazing it has been so far. You will be glad you put yourself on the wait list for this amazing program . Only a few weeks in and loving the benefits and self reflective evocation of what the course has to offer so far. This has come into my life at at point where it is so needed and I am blessed to be a part of this."

Carey Hurst

Confident Parent Member

"Jennifer is very efficient, easy to talk to, and highly organized. Her team has done a great job."

Jennifer Dittmer

Communications Manager

"Jennifer's ability to cultivate and support parents is amazing. I have been a parent guide member for many years. Her parenting magazine and parenting teens magazine has been so helpful in many areas of my life even though my children are now grown. Jennifer provides clarity to my day with her "you got this" email. Jennifer's ability to guide other businesses and coach others in their work has helped me to manage my business . She has knowledge in so many areas of business development. I recommend Jennifer highly in her knowledge of technology, ability to build a community and her business and "life" guidance. Jennifer has encouraged, coached and supported the growth of my business and my life! I recommend working with Jennifer in your business coaching, social media, and in her ability to support parents."

Nancy Gowan

CEO, Gowan Consulting


Let's connect for a free 30-minute call to discuss how I can help move your business forward!


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