Niche and Watch your Business Grow

clarity statement define your niche find your niche messaging niche parent coaches

I talk about NICHING a lot!

And do you know why? Because I have experienced business success because of my niche.

I am a Business Coach for Parent Coaches. I chose this niche because working with Parent Coaches supported my big WHY! And, it was something I was good at - it was something I had experience with - it was something that I am trained in - and I have used all of these tools and strategies to grow a profitable business for over 2 decades.

Made so much sense to niche to support Parent Coaches. But what if I decided to be a general Business Coach? Would you have even found me? I think I would have been lost in a sea of other general Business Coaches.

Lucky for me, I niched and you were able to find me and get the unique, targeted support you need to grow your coaching business.

So, if you are hesitant to niche, it may be because you are waiting for the perfect niche...the perfect group of people to work with or the perfect problem to solve.

Let me tell you this right now - there is no perfect niche. 

How can you do this?

  1. Choose a target audience
  2. Solve a problem for them that you have solved for yourself or someone else
  3. Do your research to make sure people would pay someone to help them solve this problem.

Don't delay building your business because you think there is a better niche out there. Choose one, grow it, serve, and love on your audience like crazy! your business grow.

Here are some examples of niches, and Clarity Statements that you can grab and use today. I have started with the problem and then I created a Clarity Statement from's a start, but at least it may give you an idea of how you can use messaging to attract your ideal clients by focusing on solving one big problem for them!

  1. Getting their child to sleep: "Tired of endless nights spent trying to get your little one to sleep? Let us help you finally get some rest with our personalized sleep training services, designed to help your child sleep soundly through the night."

  2. Potty training: "Fed up with cleaning up accidents and feeling frustrated with your child's lack of progress? Our expert potty training classes and coaching will give you the tools you need to conquer this daunting task and help your child master the potty in no time."

  3. Dealing with picky eaters: "Struggling to provide healthy meals that your child will actually eat? Our meal planning and preparation services will make mealtime stress-free and enjoyable again, with personalized plans that cater to your child's tastes and dietary needs."

  4. Managing screen time: "Worried about the negative effects of too much screen time on your child's health and development? Our technology coaching services will help you set healthy limits and provide guidance on appropriate use of technology for your child's age and needs."

  5. Helping with homework: "Frustrated with spending endless hours trying to help your child with homework? Our expert tutoring and academic coaching services will provide your child with the support and skills they need to succeed in school, while giving you back your precious time."

  6. Managing behavior issues: "Feeling overwhelmed and at a loss with your child's challenging behavior? Our behavior coaching services will give you the guidance and tools you need to develop personalized behavior plans and strategies that work for your child and family."

  7. Finding childcare: "Worried about leaving your child with just anyone? Our nanny and babysitting placement services provide you with pre-screened, trustworthy caregivers, giving you peace of mind and the freedom to focus on your own needs."

  8. Helping with special needs: "Navigating the special needs system can be overwhelming and isolating. Our special needs coaching and advocacy services will give you the support and guidance you need to access resources and services, advocate for your child's needs, and connect with a community of families who understand." 

  9. Mental Health: "Concerned about your child's mental health and well-being in today's world? Our expert mental health coaching and support services provide the guidance and tools you need to help your child navigate life's challenges, build resilience, and thrive. Let us help you support your child's mental health and create a brighter future for your family.

What's your niche?

If you need help with this, come join us inside the Parent Coach Club where I offer you instant access to all the training you need to build, launch, and grow your coaching business! You also get done-for-you email sequences, workbooks, contracts, and so much more!


Grab Chapter 1 FREE right now and begin niching to attract clients consistently!

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