Why have a Parent Coaching Contract?

build your business coaching contract contract parent coaching contract parenting contract Oct 09, 2020

Having a contract between you, the Coach, and the parent(s) is one of the most important legal documents you will use.

A contract helps your clients know exactly what you are providing and it helps keep the liability of the coach to a minimum.

This contract will give a clear list of expectations and set boundaries around timing, payment, cancellation etc.

A contract helps to keep your relationship professional and can be referred to if there is any question of the working relationship between you, the Coach, and the parent(s).

Having a contract that includes copyright rules can save you from having your materials copied and distributed elsewhere, outside of your coaching relationship.

What should a coaching contract include?

The contract should include:

  • Definitions of Coach and Client
  • What is included
  • What is expected by both Coach and Client
  • The Schedule
  • Timing
  • Costs
  • Terms
  • Copyright
  • Cancellation Policy
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Signatures

When creating your contract always have it reviewed by a lawyer or other legal professional.

Here is an ICF Sample Coaching Agreement to use as a template.

But please keep in mind my recommendation that you contact a lawyer or other legal professional, to review your contract.


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