7 Steps to Success!

attract clients clients coaching gratitude meditate niche parent coach persevere strong offer thankful

Do you ever get so frustrated that clients are not consistently booking with you, that you want to give up?

I completely understand. It is easy to lose hope when there is a lull in client bookings.

You are not alone - in fact, this was me just two weeks ago. I was feeling deflated and wondering if perhaps, no one needed my services anymore.

So, I sat in that feeling for a bit and then I realized I have full control over what I do next with that thought. I could continue to feel frustrated and I could give up, or I could continue on with bold conviction that my next client is just waiting to hear from me.

And this is exactly what I did...step by step:

  1. I took a long walk, then a long shower to clear my head.
  2. I meditated on gratitude for all my fabulous clients - current and past.
  3. I journaled all my thoughts then journaled the thoughts I would rather have - ones that served me better.
  4. I took action - sent voice messages, reached out to those that expressed interest in the past etc.
  5. I served my audience without expectations of a return.
  6. I let go of the need to know how my next client was coming to me - I put faith in my offer and trust in my process. (Thankfully I have a strong, clear offer that I LOVE.)
  7. Then, after all of that, I put 100% focus on OFT so that my overwhelm and frustration would not stop me.

And do you know what happened? More clarity, more connection, more clients getting results, and yes, more clients choosing to work 1:1 with me! 

This process works! Will you try it with me?

If you need help and want to learn more about how to do this, reach out to me for a Discovery Call here!


Jennifer, Business Coach for Parent Coaches

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash


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